Courses offered : (a) 5 Yr Integrated B.A. LL.B
Gautam Buddha University (GBU), Greater Noida is a state university setup by the UP Govt in 2008. The University is funded by the New Okhla Industrial Development Authority (NOIDA) and the Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA), the undertakings of the Government of Uttar Pradesh. It conducts Graduate Proficiency Test for Undergraduates (GPTU) for admissions into its various courses. The university runs 8 Schools of Learning :
1. School of Management
2. School of Information and Communication Technology
3. School of Biotechnology
4. School of Engineering
5. School of Vocational Studies and Applied sciences
6. School of Humanities and Social Sciences
7. School of Buddhist Studies and Civilization
8. School of Law, Justice and Governance
The School of Law, Justice and Governance offers the 5-Yera integrated B.A. LL.B Program in Law.
Intake: 120 seats
Reservation : Reservation for different categories of students belonging to U.P. & other states shall be made as per provisions of Gautam Buddha University Act, as applicable at the time of admission.
SC/ST Candidates: 23%
OBC Candidates: 27%
Horizintal reservation: Dependents of Freedom Fighter- Max 2%, Dependent of Defence Personal (Retired / Handicapped/ War Deceased )- Max 5%, Physical Handicapped- Max 3%, Women - Max 20%
Admission for Kashmiri Migrants as per Govt. Rule
Registration fee Rs.10,000
Security (refundable) Rs.10,000
Library & Sports Fee (one-time): Rs.1,900
Academic fee: Rs.90,000 per semester
Hostel charges Rs.40,000 per annum for single seater room, Rs.35,000 for Trople seated room
Mess charges Rs.30,000 per annum or as per actual, whichever is higher
************************* Check the Tabs forForm last date, eligibility, & test pattern of GBU-ET-Law |