10 Questions About AIIMS PAAR That You Must Know
2018-11-26All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi will initiate Online Registration of applicants for its AIIMS-B.Sc(H) Nursing/B.ScNursing(Post-Basic)/B.Sc(Paramedical Courses) Entrance Exam well in advance. Registrations will be a two-stage process comprising of Basic Registration and Final Registration. This Prospective Applicants Advanced Registration (PAAR) facility is being initiated for AIIMS UG Admissions (other than MBBS) onwards and will be continued in the future also. Here are answers to a lot of questions regarding PAAR.
1. Why the two-stage registration process?
From past experience, it has been found that a majority of rejections are due to improper filling of details other than educational qualifications. With the two-stage registration process, AIIMS intends to minimize registration rejections due to clerical and unintended errors.
2. So, where can I get the form for these two registrations?
Well, both these registrations would be Online. There would be NO paper forms for the two-stage registration process.
3. How does it work?
The first stage registration process is called Basic Registration.
Applicants desirous of applying for the AIIMS Programs (other than MBBS) will need to initially register by filling
a) basic details and
b) uploading images almost six months in advance
These particulars and images will be screened, there would be adequate time to correct errors and deficiencies. The candidates will be informed whether their registration is accepted, and their details will be stored with a unique identification number.
Thus, candidates will not be subjected to the pressures of last-minute rush and the fear of rejection of applications without any time left to make amends.
Since applicants may not have completed their eligibility of examinations etc, certain details may not be collected at the time of Basic Registration.
Once the Basic Registration process is closed no further applications for that particulars year will be allowed.
4. What happens next?
AIIMS will release the status of the Basic Registration, i.e., whether your Basic Registration is Accepted or Rejected.
5. What if my Basic Registration status shows 'Rejected'? Can I make corrections?
Yes, indeed!
Correction of deficiencies in Basic Registration that are not accepted can be made between the dates announced by AIIMS.
Once you do this online, the Final Status (Accepted & Rejected) of your Basic Registration will be displayed on the AIIMS Admissions portal.
6. How much does Basic Registration cost?
Basic Registration process is free of any charges and thus no payment shall be collected at this stage.
7. So, what else should I know about Basic Registration?
The Prospectus with Examination city will be uploaded after the Basic Registration and before the start of Final Registration.
Date of release of Prospectus will be available on AIIMS BSc Admissions microsite
8. Tell me about the Final Registration process:
Most importantly, please note that rejected Basic Registration applicants are not eligible to proceed for Final Registration.
Also, if you haven't decided to appear for the Entrance Exam and did not fill-in the Basic Registration form online, then you would NOT be able to appear for the exam if you choose to appear for the exam after the close of the Basic Registration window.
The applicants who have completed Basic Registration and this has been accepted can thus decide to either appear for the examination of this year or subsequently.
In case any applicant does not wish to appear this year, he/she need not proceed to fill Final Registration but his/her Basic Registration details will be stored and will be valid for the subsequent year.
In case the applicant desires to take the examination as announced, he/she can proceed for Final Registration.
In Final Registration, applicants can fill remaining details such as
a) qualification details
b) choose the available city for examination and
c) make the necessary payments.
These applicants will be eligible to be issued Admit Cards for that examination subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria as mentioned in the respective Prospectus.
9. When will the Final Registration start?
Final Registration Window will be mentioned in the AIIMS BSc Admissions microsite
10. Can I use Final Registration for AIIMS this year's & for AIIMS next year's entrance exam?
After completion of Final Registration and uploading of Admit Cards, the Basic Registration process will then resume and continue for the subsequent years. Those who have already completed Basic Registration once need not fill in these details again whether they appear for AIIMS B.Sc Entrance Examination this year or not. However, every time the dates for Final Registration for subsequent Entrance Examinations are made, the Final Registration will have to be completed. Thus, while Basic Registration is enduring, Final Registration is examination year specific.
Note: The content has been modified on 06th Nov 2020 due to the changes made in AIIMS MBBS Admissions. Admissions to MBBS programs offered at AIIMS shall be via NEET. Hence, the PAAR process is applicable only for AIIMS-B.Sc(H) Nursing/B.ScNursing (Post-Basic)/B.Sc(Paramedical Courses)
Keywords : AIIMS Entrance Exam, Top Medical Exam, AIIMS PAAR, AIIMS Application Form