NATA 2017 - Take Note of 6 Changes


NATA (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) is conducted by the Council of Architecture (CoA) to asses the students’ aptitude for studying Architecture in India. Starting 2017, CoA has introduced key changes in not only the mode and pattern of exam but also in respect of qualifying score.


1. Change in mode of exam

In 2017, the exam will be conducted only in OFFLINE mode. Till 2016, the exam used to have two parts. Part 1 used to be paper based while Part 2 used to be computer based (online) test.


2. Test date selection option withdrawn

Till 2016, NATA was conducted on multiple days. Students had the choice of selecting a test date from 1 April 2016 to 28 May 2016 and from 6 June 2016 to 20 Aug 2016. However, in 2017, it has been decided to conduct the exam on a single day - on 16 April 2017.


3. Score validity

Earlier, the NATA score used to be valid for 2 years. This time, there is no such provision stated in the brochure.

However, an attempt will be made to normalize (with respect to NATA-2017) the score of NATA-2016 qualified candidates seeking admission in the session 2017-18 in order to specify their position in order of merit for counselling purposes. Such guidelines would be based on statistical analysis and the Council’s decision will be final in this regard.


4. No “retest” facility for score improvement

It was earlier allowed to attempt NATA a maximum of 5 (five) times during the period of validity of latest scorecard. The mark list used to show the best marks scored by the candidate in previous 5 attempts. However, since the test will now be conducted only on a single day, it implies that students will not have the option of reattempting NATA within the same year for the purpose of score improvement.


5. Qualifying score

Earlier stipulation of 40% as qualifying score in NATA has been replaced with below three provisions. Candidate will not qualify in NATA-2017 unless (s)he satisfies all three conditions.

(a) At least 25% must be secured in MCQ portion (30 out of 120)

(b) At least 25% must be secured in Drawing portion (20 out of 80)

(c) Overall qualifying marks (out of 200) would be based on post-exam statistics and at the discretion of the Council.


6. Result format

The result will now be available in three formats as below.

(a) Marks obtained out of 200 and in each component

(b) Merit listing – unique based on marks and tie breaking rules (mentioned in Section 4 above)

(c) Percentile score based on the merit listing

Click HERE for complete details of NATA-2017

About the blogger: Neelesh is the Co-founder at He can be reached at 

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Author: Neelesh Budhiraja